EMERGE Recovery is a journey of reconnection & rediscovery of our innate wholeness.


Oct 29, 2024 – Jan 5, 2025

Combining Buddhism, neuroscience, somatic practices & psychology,

EMERGE Recovery will arm you with an array of tools to support your journey back home to your wholeness, regardless of how or for how long you’ve been away.

In EMERGE, we recognize that pain is expressed in many ways, substance abuse being only one of many. In the same way, there is not a singular recovery path. The forever invitation is to take what works and leave the rest as you forge your unique relationship to yourself within this wild & beautiful world.

While the journey is yours, you don’t have to do it alone.
Actually, the way to emerge out from under through reflection and within community.

So together, we will consider trauma, addiction and human nature through many different lenses so you can choose how to weave your way forward.  Because true recovery – the type sinks into your bones and sticks around especially when things get tough – is only possible when you can take what you’ve learnt and absorb it into your life in a way that works for you.

We aim for an embodied, woven, intimate & lived recovery practice.

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”




Life, by its very nature, contains challenges and turbulence. As humans, we are wired to find ways to ease this discomfort.

Whether it’s the underlying sense of unease, like the princess and the pea, or the exhausting anguish of suppressing grief and trauma, reaching for something to soothe us is a natural response to pain.

This pain is not personal, nor is it a moral failing; it is simply part of being human.

While substance abuse is often a more apparent and visible response that can lead to turmoil and addiction – toxic relationships, codependency, disordered eating, anxiety, technology, and perfectionism are just as prevalent.

Carl Jung said that we suffer from a “thirst for wholeness gone awry.” 

The path of recovery involves the slow process of ceasing to look outside ourselves for relief from our human ache and instead learning to turn toward.

To rediscover the wholeness that resides within. It is not an easy journey, yet it, and you, are worth the effort.

In EMERGE, we’ll explore this journey together. As our addictions separate us, in our recovery, we must open to connection to recognize the common threads that bind us, seeing ourselves reflected in one another.

We heal in community, which provides both solace and strength. We lean in and turn towards until the harder thing becomes the easier thing.


EMERGE Recovery is a ten-week course thoughtfully designed to help you understand yourself and your past, so you can take control of your future.
Whether you have been in recovery for a while or are just beginning your journey, This journey offers practical skills, community support and the space for deep self-inquiry.

The Framework

Dharma Talks

These talks encompass the weekly teaching + explore the inquiry through myriad lenses of neuroscience, psychology, as well as Yogic + Buddhist Philosophies


These sessions focus more on sharing within our collective – our Sangha. They are rich + diverse with a blend of authentic relating, group discussions + guided processes.

Mindfulness Practices

Learn to harness intention through mudra + mantra + breath practices to help reinforce a solid foundation and to create a daily Sadhana, or self-practice.

Self Inquiry + Journaling

Dive deeply into the teachings + yourself through reflective + provocative inquiry prompts + invitations that support the weekly content.

Yoga Classes

Practice along with themed classes that integrate + embody the teachings. You’ll also receive 3 month full access to Cole’s membership studio.


Not only will we be speaking truth + holding space for one another through small groups you’ll be part of for the duration of the program.


Reconnect with an ancient human practice of honoring our moments + thresholds. We’ll use ritual + ceremony in different ways to provide embodied experience of moving through this journey.


We’ll meet once a week. The last 2 weeks we will begin to wind down, letting things land while still meeting once a week. After our container closes you’ll be invited to join our free, ongoing monthly Alumni meetings.

What you’ll receive:

8 x 90 min live zoom Dharma Talks + Discussion

8 x 45 min zoom Mindfulness classes (blend of meditation, mantra, breath

8 x 90 min live zoom Integrative Workshops (weaving the soma + psyche)

10 x 2 hour live zoom Satsangs (group sharing circles)

Private WhatsApp Community for sharing + support

Supportive and supplemental podcasts + resources weekly

Small, self-governed peer groups to check in + connect with throughout the program

Lifetime access to recording, plus downloadable resources you can refer to whenever you need

Ongoing + optional monthly meetings with Cole + Alumni


Dharma Talk

Tuesdays 06.00 – 7.30pm w/ Cole

Mindfulness Practices

Wednesdays 10.00 – 10.45am w/ Jacq

Guest Workshops

Most Fridays 10.00 – 11.30am w/ Christine

Satsang (Sharing Circle)

Sundays 06.00 – 08.00pm w/ Cole

There will be some fluctuation of schedule + teachers.
Times are in US Central time zone.
Replays of all classes are available.

Weekly Explorations

Below is a loose framework. This program is governed by the group so we will bob & weave, diverge here & go deeper there. It will be a lot, it will be bountiful.

Week One:

  • What is Addiction? What is the Human Condition?
  • Meeting our Hungry Ghost
  • Altars + Intentions + Sadhana

Week Two:

  • Trauma + The Ecology of Self
  • Befriending our Nervous System + PolyVagal Theory
  • Somatic Inquiry & Resourcing Techniques

Week Three:

  • Discovering + Unraveling Conditionings that Keep us Stuck (SAMSKARAS)
  • Understanding Denial + Leaning into Truth
  • Exploring our Thresholds + Rites of Passage

Week Four:

  • Meeting our Inner Family – an IFS exploration
  • Softening around Shame
  • Exploring our Relationship to Craving & Attachment (TAHNAS)

Week Five:

  • Ayurvedic Support
  • Getting Curious about the Body
  • The Paradox of Change + Acceptance

Week Six:

  • Communication & Relational Skillfulness
  • Boundary Work + Codependency
  • Befriending Anger

Week Seven:

  • Creating + Practicing Ritual
  • Getting Intimate with Impermanence + Grief
  • Lessons from the Liminal

Week Eight:

  • Redefining Growth + Relapse
  • Sustainable Recovery
  • The Buddha’s Heart Practices

Week Nine + Ten:

  • Stepping back into our own Space : As we begin to dissolve our container, we’ll ease back slowly.
  • The last two weeks, there will be 2 Satsangs, one led by Cole + one peer led.
  • This will be over Christmas + the New Year, a really good time to have the additional support + checkin space!

Time/Energy Commitment

This is an intensive program and we will be meeting for 4-6 hour live a week, depending on the guest workshops. (There are replays)

You will also be doing self reflective homework & corresponding with your small group, so add some more time there.

This is all optional of course but highly recommended. This is one of those things that the more space you can give, the more awareness you will receive. You of course can always come back to the content afterwards but our group container will be open for the 10 weeks.


“I came to emerge empty, broken and ashamed…after decades of disconnection, various addictions and oh so much self loathing, I found myself terrified but willing to be seen authentically by complete strangers who have come to be the closest and most caring soul family, many of whom I believe deep in my bones will continue to walk this healing path alongside me for all the years I am blessed to be alive on this earth. Emerge offers an extraordinarily compassionate environment for viewing oneself and the world through a myriad of new lenses, fostering greater awareness and acceptance of the precious, and yet often shamed, humanness we all share. To say that I am transformed is an understatement…though much of my life at this time may look the same to outsiders there is a revolution of soul reverberating within and with each small win and challenge I move closer to embodying the life I was born to live before the world and it’s traumas took hold. I am filled with gratitude for Cole and Jacq’s knowledge and embrace through all of the learnings…I highly recommend Emerge as a pathway of self and collective discovery, acceptance, connection and love.”

“I have always felt out of place and on the sidelines of life. Different, not welcome, flawed. I can gratefully say that I found my people through this group. Things I thought were secret to me were shared among others as well. Realizing that I am not alone in this that has changed everything and allowed me to truly show up for my life.”

Who is EMERGE right for?

You are tired of running on the wheel you’re on and want to discover what life would be like beyond the heaviness of addiction.

You are exhausted of perpetuating old patterns and are ready to write a new script for your life.

You desire to cultivate the resiliency to successfully navigate challenging emotions and situations without substance.

You are prepared to courageously look at your past in order to gain more self understanding and set up a supportive framework for your future.

You want to expand your self-practice and learn practical tools to support your recovery journey.

You are ready to invite more ease and calm into your life and be able to create and nourish important relationships.

You are drawn towards like minded community and are willing to show up for yourself and the group.

You are looking to explore outside of or add to the traditional 12 step method.

Regardless if you have any idea what it looks like, you are ready for something new.

You are willing to commit to YOU.


Right now, it’s normal for flickers of self-doubt and uncertainty to start creeping in. You might be questioning if this is right for you, or if you are truly ready to open yourself up to the vulnerability of change. And while only you can know this for sure, I can promise you this:

You are not committed to your past patterns.
You are the author of your future.

Because that’s what we are talking about here. Your future.
Not just for the duration of this program but a foundation for the rest of your life.

EMERGE Recovery offers the space to listen, observe and inquire; the tools to navigate challenges; the support of radical honesty and community; and the bedrock to create a new story.

In order to dig out, you must dig in.
Are you ready to Emerge into the next chapter of your life?

“We go through life.
We shed our skins.
We become ourselves.”

– patti smith

Cole Chance


Cole has been a seeker all her life. It has brought her into the depths of addiction, to all corners of the world, and most importantly to the path of yoga. Through this practice, she has begun to understand, unravel, and explore the most fascinating of all landscapes – the inner one.

Her journey with drugs/alcohol began at the young age of 13 and took on a chaotic, hairpin trajectory for the next 16 years. It ran the spectrum of ecstatic and exploratory to a crippling subjugation. She was in and out of rehabs, detoxes, hospitals, and 12 step rooms throughout her 20’s, picking up tidbits of jargon and ideas along the way but never fully resonating with the idea of sobriety as she wore a tight fitting and pervasive layer of denial about her reality.

She was introduced to yoga in a treatment center several years prior to embracing recovery. While she could sense that there was something for her in this practice she still wasn’t ready to dive in. However, she kept visiting her mat over the next few years, beginning to carve out and cultivate a space that later would become a major component in her recovery.

Ultimately and gratefully, an overdose shook the bedrock of her reality enough for her to gain the clarity that her deep dependence was not only a detriment to a full life, but any life at all. She finally reached out for help of her own accord, began to unwind through therapy, found a supportive community, and landed full surrender into her yoga practice. Her recovery process continues today, intertwined with a life she never even dreamed possible.

Her belief in the importance of self inquiry and inner relationship comes through in her teaching style.

She encourages her students to always question within with kindness, outwardly move with curiosity, and always leave space for all of the unknown possibilities.

Cole teaches yoga in many capacities from online to festivals to international retreats, but her flow, passion, and most fluent language lay in supporting people who have also traversed the narrow dark halls of addiction and are ready to emerge into a thriving life beyond.

Jacq St Pierre


She is a mama, a lover of travel, books, music, and forever and always studying our human experience. Based in Austin, TX I teach Vinyasa Krama, Meditation, Ayurveda, Bhakti Yoga, Teacher Trainings, and Harmonium Lessons around the globe. Her classes ask you to return to the wisdom you have deep within, remind you not to take yourself too seriously, and always keep things interesting!

Christine Calvert


Christine Calvert is a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor and a certified Holotropic Breathwork® facilitator. She is a facilitator and teacher of Holotropic Breathwork both in the US and internationally. She enjoys finding ways to weave her personal and professional experience of different therapeutic and spiritual systems such as Shamanism, Somatic Experiencing, Jungian psychology, attachment theory, and mindfulness practices into her work with others. Christine maintains a private counseling and consulting practice in addition to facilitating Holotropic Breathwork® workshops regularly.

Nityda Gessel


Nityda Gessel is a somatic psychotherapist, trauma specialist, yoga teacher and educator, mom and heart-centered activist. Nityda is the founder of the Trauma-Conscious Yoga Institute, creator of The Trauma-Conscious Yoga Method℠, and author of forthcoming Norton book on trauma healing and embodied spirituality (anticipated release, July 2023). Nityda’s integrative work over the past two decades has significantly contributed to the integration of the mental health and yoga/embodiment professions. Nityda has devoted her life to supporting the upliftment of others, working at the intersection of Eastern spirituality, holistic mental health, and embodied activism. During her time off, she loves getting dirty with her toddler, being in nature, dancing and traveling the world.



Emerge offered me a way into and under some really strong patterns. I felt deeply seen, valued, connected, and profoundly heralded on a cellular level. I go confidently into the sand storms ahead because even if I don’t know where I’m going or will end up…I now trust where I am.”

“Ah, a full year. An entire year. A whole circle around the sun. And still this stays with me and changes me, deepens me. I am revisiting the materials and practices as I come out of this mind blowing, body rocking, spiritually rebalancing illness; helping me settle in and learn slowness and how very powerful it is to stay with what’s real and true, right now and right now. To truly learn to be present with myself…now. In the present moment. Truly a gift from Cole and a beautiful and soulful gift from me.”
“I would 1000% recommend the program to anyone who is struggling with unhealthy patterns in their life. I would describe it as a true gift to yourself and a recovery program steeped in love, acceptance, and empowering self inquiry”



-deposit US$ 300-
Reduced rate to make this program more easily reachable.



-deposit US$ 300-
This is the rate for your journey.



-deposit US$ 300-
This pays for you + shares some love with those who need some extra support.

Contact us

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any and all questions.

A Message From Cole


What happens after I register?

You will receive a welcome letter with some information about the course as well as a link to a recovery resource guide to begin to dive into some of my recommended reading and listening prior to our course. Not necessary but helpful!

What is a Dharma Talk and Satsang?

Dharma Talks are our weekly deep dives where we’ll explore topics + investigate them through different lenses such as our personal experiences, Buddhist or Yogic philosophy and/or psychology or neuroscience. It will be interactive lectures broken up with breakout rooms. 

A Satsang is a Sanskrit word that means “gathering together for the truth”.
Our satsangs are a weekly community container where we show up in all of our many colors, to witness + be witnessed, in our differences +similarities, to show our truths + hear other’s. Essentially there will be a short teaching, a sharing circle + prompts/exercise to help us integrate our discoveries.

Is Emerge 12 step based?
This program is not 12 step based but is influenced by its philosophies as well as many others. We will be exploring many different ancient traditions and philosophies, as well as modern science and psychology, to find what uniquely resonates with each individual.
What if I can’t make the live class?

We really encourage live attendance but time zones are real and life happens. Classes will recorded and  there will be a replays available with in 24 hours.

What is the time commitment?

This is an intensive program, featuring 4-6 hours of live sessions each week, depending on the guest workshops.

Replays are available – we have people joining from all over the world and are splitting workshops between day + night hours to try to accommodate!

In addition to our live meetings, you’ll engage in self-reflective homework and communicate with your small group, which will require additional time.

While participation in these activities is optional, it is highly recommended. The more time and effort you invest, the greater the awareness and benefits you’ll gather. You can always revisit the content later, but our intensive support cohort will be tight knit throughout the full 10 weeks.

Is there a refund?

As there are a limited number of spaces, all sales are final. You will have access to all of the material and videos and you will be able to revisit the information at any time throughout and after the course.

Is there a payment plan?

Yes! Our default payment plan is deposit & 2 additional even payments. 

  • All dues must be in 14 days from start date.
  • If you would like to pay in full, you can sign in wetravel.com and pay your balance there. Click on “My Trips”. Then click on “Manage Booking”.
  • If you want to arrange a different payment schedule please reach out to em@colechanceyoga.com
Do you have scholarships?

We do have a few scholarships allocated for those in under served, under resourced, and under represented communities and in need of support on their recovery journey. Note that it is much easier to discount the program and meet you where you are than give full scholarships as this way, I can spread assistance to more people. Payment plans are also available to support your commitment.

Emerge Scholarship Link

Disclaimer: No program has a sobriety guarantee. This doesn’t replace the vital detox programs that some may need, professional therapy, or in-person community support. Emerge may be stand-alone support or it may be a supplement in your recovery tool box. Each of us has a unique recovery journey.

Get the EMERGE Recovery Book
+ Resources List

Get access to EMERGE Recovery resource list to support you on your journey of self-inquiry + recovery.